When the critical phase of an incident is considered handled, we will assist your organisation by evaluating the occurred incident and provide internal documentation. We identify potential shortages and vulnerabilities that likely caused the incident and provide recommendations as to which measures should be taken to minimise the risk for, and mitigate the consequences of, any future incidents. We support your organisation during the implementation of such measures as well as train your employees. If necessary, we also coordinate with our collaboration partners in the IT sector to help evaluate and improve the technical resilience.
We evaluate the organisation’s resilience and compliance proactively before an incident occurs and conduct both penetration tests and training sessions for employees. When necessary, we coordinate with our collaboration partners in IT to be able to provide recommendations regarding organisational and technical measures to help improve resilience and minimise the risk for future incidents.
After an incident, we often provide training sessions for management and employees regarding incident management and about processing of personal data and cyber security in general. We always tailor our lecture sessions and workshops with special focus on in-practice applicability based on the organisation’s needs and challenges.
Together with our collaboration partners, we conduct penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and the organisation’s ability to act. The results from the penetration test provide the organisation with practical experience from an actual case as well as identification of any shortage compiled in a report followed up by action proposals.