Welcome to
Norelid Advokatbyrå

Leading law firm in our fields of expertise

For many years, we have been ranked as one of Sweden’s prime law firms within our respective fields of expertise. Being top-ranked validates that our business concept – to always deliver first-class legal advice, tailored to each and every need – is a winning one. We believe in long-term relationships and represent both larger multinational and national corporations as well as smaller local businesses.

Business law firm with specialised expertise

We are a business law firm with significant expertise in the fields of Corporate & Commercial, Insurance & Reinsurance, Data Protection & Cyber Security and Dispute Resolution. The client’s business and success are core factors and we keep a distinct commercial focus in all our client matters.

“Availability, commitment, responsibility and results – where legal as well as business matters are in focus – is our concept for a successful cooperation with our clients.”

Susanna Norelid, Managing Partner

What our clients say about us

Latest news

Ändring av föreskrifterna om tillsynsrapporteringen för försäkringsrörelse med anledning av DORA

Happy Holidays & Best Wishes for the New Year!

Privacy Rules – Annual Meeting

Cyber Desk Newsletter

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